aaargh I hate revision! I have a complete lack of motivation. Thankfully have 3 days til my first exam, plenty time for cramming, which allows what I feel is a well deserved night off tonight, sitting on my arse eating chicken wings and watching a DVD. Not the most exciting thing I know, but anything to take my mind of Construction Planning and River and...
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There's nothing like a psycho ex to brighten up New Year's! I have suffered them and have been one myself, and it's never boring. Good luck with your exams - remember, the best part about exams is, unlike the classes themselves, the damned things are over with quickly!
aint that the truth!!1lol ex's suck
oh dear...
I joined after vanishing off here while I was away in Africa...and after oooh, about 3 months of being a rubbish member I am finally writing a new post. I really am useless at times!
So much has gone on over the months or so. I've been to Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, worked on a building site again, came back to uni,...
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I joined after vanishing off here while I was away in Africa...and after oooh, about 3 months of being a rubbish member I am finally writing a new post. I really am useless at times!
So much has gone on over the months or so. I've been to Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, worked on a building site again, came back to uni,...
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Uni for me is going ok, I really needed this christmas break though, it's just so intense!
Glad to see you back round these parts though!
Glad to see you back round these parts though!

It should be on the friday of the last exam week according to my uni calendar

Where have the last 3 weeks gone?! Its the middle of May!!!
I seem to have had no life for the last 3 weeks. Well....thats a bit of a lie... I have done nothing other than go out on the piss with mates (a lot) and enjoying the freedom of being able to without having to explain myself to the ex...then sitting in my room...
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I seem to have had no life for the last 3 weeks. Well....thats a bit of a lie... I have done nothing other than go out on the piss with mates (a lot) and enjoying the freedom of being able to without having to explain myself to the ex...then sitting in my room...
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When did you get back on here?
Eh? you're back? Why did I not notice this sooner!??
After being sent home early at work on Tuesday I had to spend my entire afternoon re-arranging our charity abseil. Am starting to realise our so called group leader is completely incapable of organising anything at all. After telling us all the abseil was sorted and sending out sponsorship forms to everyone he contacted the local news for publicity. It then turns out he didn't...
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you should become an SG - You have some very nice pics.
It sounds like you work in a very beautiful location.
I used to have a flat next to the Grand Union Canal. So close that I could stick a fishing rod out of my living room window and reach the water, not that I tried! There is something special about being near water and its one of the things that I wish I had where I live now.
I used to have a flat next to the Grand Union Canal. So close that I could stick a fishing rod out of my living room window and reach the water, not that I tried! There is something special about being near water and its one of the things that I wish I had where I live now.
I've been sent home from work early because there's nothing for me to do. I really should be excited by this but I really could do with actually working and making some money.
But it is an absolutely gorgeous day so I might take the dogs for a walk.
Sorry for the brief update but I haven't managed to talk dad into getting wireless here...
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But it is an absolutely gorgeous day so I might take the dogs for a walk.
Sorry for the brief update but I haven't managed to talk dad into getting wireless here...
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Can't wait to see a set!
Couldn't you just get a wireless router off ebay for about 20 or something?
Couldn't you just get a wireless router off ebay for about 20 or something?
a set from you would be great.....besides you have great movie taste!
parents around pc not good when watching naked girls? hehehe u should get wireless soon then

Man another term over. Where has the time gone? My bloody parents were right, time does go faster as you get older. Getting worried by the time I'm 50 I'll blink and miss and entire month!
Heading back home on Sunday. It's going to be strange living with the 'rents again. The novelty of having my meals cooked for me will wear off after a...
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Heading back home on Sunday. It's going to be strange living with the 'rents again. The novelty of having my meals cooked for me will wear off after a...
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Hello cutie. You tell us that your hobbies include painting... please show me something! Altough the photos of you are not bad pics either

Ooopsyjust spent so much money in the shops.
All the gorgeous sunshine (even though for the last 3 days it's been in between snow storms) has made me feel all summery so I had to buy some suitable clothes. That and I remembered the 60 of FatFace vouchers I have, so got a lovely new bikini and boardies. Also got a couple of cute summer...
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Awww your just too frickin adorable and even if you end up doing your own set research the site and take notes! I really hope you go pink girl your just too damn cute not to

I swear some of the most beautiful women on this sight are from foreign countries and the majority come from england and we see here that i am right with this ablsolutely gorgeous woman if front of us

Oooh last night was so fun
went out for my mate Dan's birthday. Sports theme so dressed as a polo player ( I haven't done any sports other than horsey stuff since I was like 17 so none of my other kit fits me!). Had quite an excited moment in the Early Learning Centre when I found a kids croquet set I could use for...
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thanks for the birthday wish, i had a great one
There is a horsey theme to my latest blog too, on account of winning tickets to the Cheltenham Gold Cup
I have something like your food poisining realted drink allergy, only mine is specific to cider. It was the cheapest way to get drunk when I was a teenager, but you can take a good thing too far...

I have something like your food poisining realted drink allergy, only mine is specific to cider. It was the cheapest way to get drunk when I was a teenager, but you can take a good thing too far...
WOW! Very nice.
weee o wooow! Beautiful scenery!
but ur so amazingly GORGUS! xxx
but ur so amazingly GORGUS! xxx
I'm such a doofus... put all my new pics on in the wrong order... oh well!
And when I fix it the thumbnails dont work...why do computers hate me?

And when I fix it the thumbnails dont work...why do computers hate me?

despite some minor technical glitches the photos do indeed work, and my your a gorgeous one. So when are you going live?
It`s not you. Its part of a computer plan to drive us all mad.
Or maybe im just paranoid
Or maybe im just paranoid

Oh my god I have so much work to do,
and its getting to the point where I just want to curl up in a ball and do nothingand hope it goes away.
Finally getting somewhere with programming after sitting for an hour today with little ginger hobbit IT guy. I now love him because he made it all make sense. Although slightly annoyed he...
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Finally getting somewhere with programming after sitting for an hour today with little ginger hobbit IT guy. I now love him because he made it all make sense. Although slightly annoyed he...
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so nice of you to welcome me. makes me feel more comfortable :-) sad to read you got some issues with your ex. Love can be a bitch :-) nice pictures!
Lenn x
so nice of you to welcome me. makes me feel more comfortable :-) sad to read you got some issues with your ex. Love can be a bitch :-) nice pictures!
Lenn x
Nope, I was studying musicproducer at the conservatory. But living alone in the big city led to constant binge drinking :-) so now I'm working in roadconstructions to pay my debts towards my parents. And the next year I'm gonna try the conservatory again, but with a better attitude :-)
grtz x
grtz x
I think I may be crawling by the end of it to the pub in abotu 2h to meet the rest of the crew and have a few dinks before going into town properly to start shepherding people around.
Not been out in aaaages...think I may be a li'l bit poorly tomorrow. hehe

I think I may be crawling by the end of it to the pub in abotu 2h to meet the rest of the crew and have a few dinks before going into town properly to start shepherding people around.
Not been out in aaaages...think I may be a li'l bit poorly tomorrow. hehe
Don't go getting hammered and end up textin weirdos

I saw you looking for a photographer in the Hopefuls group.
In your shoes, I would try for one of the official photographers as my first choice, but if that proves hard, I have shot one set with Tragique and I would like to do another. I am based in the South West, PM me if you are interested.
P.S. Good luck with your bar crawl. My Sunday was ruined through late night boozing
In your shoes, I would try for one of the official photographers as my first choice, but if that proves hard, I have shot one set with Tragique and I would like to do another. I am based in the South West, PM me if you are interested.
P.S. Good luck with your bar crawl. My Sunday was ruined through late night boozing