i recently started william gibson's pattern recognition and so far, i must say i am disapointed.
i have no empathy for cayce the protaganist and the concept that she is psychologically allergic to advertising seems incredulous. while i emphasize with her loathing of advertising, (i also avoid clothing with visible branding and remove all tags an lables when possible), she comes of as the sort of elitest pseudo-intellectual, i find revolting. it is also his first novel in a contemporary setting and seems inundated with the very same branding that cayce finds revolting.
well, maybe it is that way on purpose... hopefully things will get better as i read deeper.
but why is this being made into a movie and neuromancer is not?
i have no empathy for cayce the protaganist and the concept that she is psychologically allergic to advertising seems incredulous. while i emphasize with her loathing of advertising, (i also avoid clothing with visible branding and remove all tags an lables when possible), she comes of as the sort of elitest pseudo-intellectual, i find revolting. it is also his first novel in a contemporary setting and seems inundated with the very same branding that cayce finds revolting.
well, maybe it is that way on purpose... hopefully things will get better as i read deeper.
but why is this being made into a movie and neuromancer is not?