This pretty much sums up the events of last night.
It was my good friends birthday so we celebrated like no other. My roommate and I went and bought 2 giant things of vodka and tequila and picked up the birthday girl. We proceeded to get started as soon as we got back to the house. By the time we left to go to the bars my roommate and I were already pretty drunk. We had probably had at least 10 shots of tequila each, as well as a few vodka and sprites. We hitched a ride with one of my ex-girlfriends and headed off to the bar. When we got there the first thing we ordered was an adios motherfucker, we downed those pretty quick and I remember seeing a really cute girl sitting at a table across from us. She kept glancing over as if she were giving me these hints to go and talk to her, but I was far too gone to talk to her. Although I regret it now. :| Anyway it was a lot of fun minus some stupid drama. Surprisingly enough I'm really not hungover, I have a little headache but that's really about it.
Anyway I'm off to a little childs birthday party, adios!

mannnnnn... i'm sad that i would not be able to hang with that much liquor. good job!
hahahh! i just got back from having half a bottle of whiskey to myself and i can drive, and i still don't think i could hang with you and your friends! i'm still slurring and i can't walk straight! that's insane in the membrane.