You know when you put up a photo of a loved one and when it comes time to take it down you just can't bring yourself to do so?

This is one of those photos.
I'm honestly past the point of feeling any sort of animosity towards her, so seeing this picture doesn't upset me or anything. I have it uploaded on Facebook with a bunch of other photos from the same day, there are like 150 of them and I don't have them saved anywhere else so part of me wants to keep them while another part of me wants to just press the "delete" button and forget about them.
In other news I finally planned my trip back to the east coast. I'm going to be heading out the 22nd of this month to visit a girl who I've been talking to on and off for about two or so years. This will be the first time we've ever actually met in person so needless to say I'm pretty excited. After my stay with her I'm gonna drive down to Asheville and visit my parents, should be an eventful week.
Edit: I just checked my e-mail and my dad sent me some pictures of the first time I ever visited California. Things were so simple back then.

This is one of those photos.
I'm honestly past the point of feeling any sort of animosity towards her, so seeing this picture doesn't upset me or anything. I have it uploaded on Facebook with a bunch of other photos from the same day, there are like 150 of them and I don't have them saved anywhere else so part of me wants to keep them while another part of me wants to just press the "delete" button and forget about them.
In other news I finally planned my trip back to the east coast. I'm going to be heading out the 22nd of this month to visit a girl who I've been talking to on and off for about two or so years. This will be the first time we've ever actually met in person so needless to say I'm pretty excited. After my stay with her I'm gonna drive down to Asheville and visit my parents, should be an eventful week.
Edit: I just checked my e-mail and my dad sent me some pictures of the first time I ever visited California. Things were so simple back then.

A liger?! He's amazing. Dude don't you think he's looking at your lady friend? Did you get to pet? Hehe.

Hahahaha Aw! Om nom nom nom