So I just got an e-mail stating that someone had gifted me 3 months worth of time here, thank you to whoever it may be! I really appreciate it.
On a new note, life has recently thrown me a giant curve-ball. For the past year I had been involved in a very serious relationship, one where I felt like it was a great possibility that I might end up spending the rest of my life with this woman. All had been going well until a couple days ago when she started to act strange towards me. She was being very short with me and she wasn't affectionate at all, which was very strange seeing as we normally had sex every night. So about 3 days had transpired and I felt like it was time for her to tell me what the hell was going on. I confronted her one night while we were in bed and she informed me that she wasn't happy with the living situation (we had just moved out together), and she was going to move back in with her father. I asked her where that would leave me and she said she wasn't sure, I began to ask her more regarding the subject and she went on to tell me that she had been having feelings of uncertainty concerning our relationship. This is all news to be seeing as only a few days prior she had been telling me how much she loved me and how she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me and have children. She told me that she felt like we weren't the same person and the things that were most important to her needed to be shared by her partner. This all came as a great and sudden shock to me, and still does even a couple days later. But I have been strong and I will continue to do so, I am going to take this time to focus on my endeavors and not worry about devoting my attention/energy to someone else.
I definitely miss writing here, so again, thank you whoever it was for reactivating my account.
On a new note, life has recently thrown me a giant curve-ball. For the past year I had been involved in a very serious relationship, one where I felt like it was a great possibility that I might end up spending the rest of my life with this woman. All had been going well until a couple days ago when she started to act strange towards me. She was being very short with me and she wasn't affectionate at all, which was very strange seeing as we normally had sex every night. So about 3 days had transpired and I felt like it was time for her to tell me what the hell was going on. I confronted her one night while we were in bed and she informed me that she wasn't happy with the living situation (we had just moved out together), and she was going to move back in with her father. I asked her where that would leave me and she said she wasn't sure, I began to ask her more regarding the subject and she went on to tell me that she had been having feelings of uncertainty concerning our relationship. This is all news to be seeing as only a few days prior she had been telling me how much she loved me and how she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me and have children. She told me that she felt like we weren't the same person and the things that were most important to her needed to be shared by her partner. This all came as a great and sudden shock to me, and still does even a couple days later. But I have been strong and I will continue to do so, I am going to take this time to focus on my endeavors and not worry about devoting my attention/energy to someone else.
I definitely miss writing here, so again, thank you whoever it was for reactivating my account.

Yay for free Suicide Girls!
kind of weird how that JUST happened to me also. and what'd you know. also for three months.