Just got back from another show at the university of delaware...
After I got into my truck for the ride back I was musing to myself over how easy the show and day were.
Only a pyro could consider a 12 hour day of hard labor "a light day". Seriously though, normally a show thsi size would have been 18 hours, easily.
We did the show entirely hand fired, and I forgot to bring my long pants
many burns on my legs from the burning paper. Also, our flares were all gimpy, which caused much consternation.
Seriously, you'd think something as simple as a road flare couldn't go bad, but you'd be wrong. Mine wouldn't stay lit no matter what, which was trouble seeing as how I was responsible for the finale racks.
Everything went well though, and teh parts that I saw were quite spectacular. I like these shows so much better than the choreographed ones.
After I got into my truck for the ride back I was musing to myself over how easy the show and day were.
Only a pyro could consider a 12 hour day of hard labor "a light day". Seriously though, normally a show thsi size would have been 18 hours, easily.
We did the show entirely hand fired, and I forgot to bring my long pants

Seriously, you'd think something as simple as a road flare couldn't go bad, but you'd be wrong. Mine wouldn't stay lit no matter what, which was trouble seeing as how I was responsible for the finale racks.
Everything went well though, and teh parts that I saw were quite spectacular. I like these shows so much better than the choreographed ones.
You Pyro FOOL!!!! 

When can I see one of your shows, SS? How are you liking your new place, neighbor?