I just checked my answering machine for the first time in a little while... Most of the messages were obvious telemarketing (I'm calling about the contest you entered in the mall for the free vacation!), but one of them was a woman calling in reference to "Tiffany Johnson" and could I please call her back at a 1 800 number...
I don't know any Tiffany Johnson...
It's since occurred to me that I dated a Tiffany in college, and I think her last name might have been Johnson.
I'm almost hoping that this was a telemarketer or bill collector, because there are very few reasons for getting back in touch with a guy you dated for a few months 6 years ago, and none of them are anything that I really want to be involved in.
I don't know any Tiffany Johnson...
It's since occurred to me that I dated a Tiffany in college, and I think her last name might have been Johnson.
I'm almost hoping that this was a telemarketer or bill collector, because there are very few reasons for getting back in touch with a guy you dated for a few months 6 years ago, and none of them are anything that I really want to be involved in.
