Ok, I need to be back on site at 8am (7 1/2 hours from now, GAH!) so this will be a quick one, but hopefully fun. BTW, I have no idea what's up with my recent rash of postings. It happens sometimes, nobody knows why.
The past two days (ending saturday) I've been setting up for a rather large fireworks show. By "rather large", I mean that it will lauch from three separate barges, and span about 1 mile of the delaware river. So yeah, it's big.
Here are a few pictures I managed to snag with my phone. I'm honestly a little surpised by the quality.
This the the truck we deliverd the racks and product (read: explosives) in. We're trying to drive it onto a barge.
So far so good
Apparantly we can get the truck on, but the drive shaft needs to stay on the pier.
What's *in* the truck.
Heavy Work...
I'm beginning to doubt the colors that this camera is recording...
Pushing a trailer full of mortar tubes from one barge to another, by way of a 1 inch thick steel plate bridge.
I'm working the finale racks...
All tidy (and apparantly upside down)...
The BIG GUNS come out...
To clarify, this shell is 12 inches in diameter, and weighs over 20 pounds. It could very likely level a house.
So this is my weekend... I hope you're all having as much fun as I"m having. I'll try to get some pictures for you all tomorrow too.
The past two days (ending saturday) I've been setting up for a rather large fireworks show. By "rather large", I mean that it will lauch from three separate barges, and span about 1 mile of the delaware river. So yeah, it's big.
Here are a few pictures I managed to snag with my phone. I'm honestly a little surpised by the quality.
This the the truck we deliverd the racks and product (read: explosives) in. We're trying to drive it onto a barge.

So far so good

Apparantly we can get the truck on, but the drive shaft needs to stay on the pier.

What's *in* the truck.

Heavy Work...

I'm beginning to doubt the colors that this camera is recording...

Pushing a trailer full of mortar tubes from one barge to another, by way of a 1 inch thick steel plate bridge.

I'm working the finale racks...

All tidy (and apparantly upside down)...

The BIG GUNS come out...

To clarify, this shell is 12 inches in diameter, and weighs over 20 pounds. It could very likely level a house.

So this is my weekend... I hope you're all having as much fun as I"m having. I'll try to get some pictures for you all tomorrow too.