I just flew down to Miami RIGHT when a hurricae was supposed to hit land. Setup a fireworks display on a barge. Got the ONLY perfectly calm three hour period in the entire week right when the show was supposed to go. And finally struck the show just before the rain started (like, an hour before).
Talk about threading the fucking needle. The ground was still wet when we arrived on site, and was wet by the time we got back to our apartment, but it was sunny and gorgeous for our setup and firing. Yesterday and today we had the storm right on our heels as we drove out, and we watched as a seemingly endless line of utility trucks drove the other way towards the impending disaster area.
The truck-ride was good, got to talk with my boss about some killer ideas for close proximity pyro. Stuff that nobody (that either of us know of) has ever done before, and would look absolutely amazing if it worked. I'm unbelievably excited to run some tests and see if things will work out the way I expect them too. In the meantime though, I need to make a 5 foot by 5 foot burning witch fly through the air...
Oh yeah, and a Ford F350 with a cap on the back towing a 24 foot enclosed trailer is fucking *work* to drive, especially with semi's rushing by and blowing you all over the road. It's 4:30, and I've been home for maybe 45 minutes, but I'm still wired from having to pay so much attention to driving.
I just flew down to Miami RIGHT when a hurricae was supposed to hit land. Setup a fireworks display on a barge. Got the ONLY perfectly calm three hour period in the entire week right when the show was supposed to go. And finally struck the show just before the rain started (like, an hour before).
Talk about threading the fucking needle. The ground was still wet when we arrived on site, and was wet by the time we got back to our apartment, but it was sunny and gorgeous for our setup and firing. Yesterday and today we had the storm right on our heels as we drove out, and we watched as a seemingly endless line of utility trucks drove the other way towards the impending disaster area.
The truck-ride was good, got to talk with my boss about some killer ideas for close proximity pyro. Stuff that nobody (that either of us know of) has ever done before, and would look absolutely amazing if it worked. I'm unbelievably excited to run some tests and see if things will work out the way I expect them too. In the meantime though, I need to make a 5 foot by 5 foot burning witch fly through the air...
Oh yeah, and a Ford F350 with a cap on the back towing a 24 foot enclosed trailer is fucking *work* to drive, especially with semi's rushing by and blowing you all over the road. It's 4:30, and I've been home for maybe 45 minutes, but I'm still wired from having to pay so much attention to driving.

it was good seeing you again, and actually getting to spend some time talking to you this time. that ash costume was awesome by the way

ha! look how awesome it came out!