We Have a Winner for the Center of Time Contest:
said on
June 12, 2005 @ 12:26AM
"1 minute = the amount of time it took you to lose me on this one"
The Center of Time is --drumroll--: June 12, 2005
@ 5 o'clock metric time (12pm).
Congratulations Stella_Marie (!) for having designated
m0, which shall now be called "stella marie" or sm for short! The time of this entry is approximately 6:82sm on day stella of the stella-th month of the year stella (2:49pm cat --currently accepted time--).
2nd prize --the honor of being the second most important person who ever lived-- goes to Cheech for his offering:
"July 25, 1923- Estelle Getty's birthdate"
Congratulations Cheech. Metric hours shall be referred to as cheeches, minutes as decicheeches, seconds as centicheeches.
Thank you to all [2] participants.
said on
June 12, 2005 @ 12:26AM
"1 minute = the amount of time it took you to lose me on this one"
The Center of Time is --drumroll--: June 12, 2005
@ 5 o'clock metric time (12pm).
Congratulations Stella_Marie (!) for having designated
m0, which shall now be called "stella marie" or sm for short! The time of this entry is approximately 6:82sm on day stella of the stella-th month of the year stella (2:49pm cat --currently accepted time--).
2nd prize --the honor of being the second most important person who ever lived-- goes to Cheech for his offering:
"July 25, 1923- Estelle Getty's birthdate"
Congratulations Cheech. Metric hours shall be referred to as cheeches, minutes as decicheeches, seconds as centicheeches.
Thank you to all [2] participants.

What else did you invent? And i am hoping you are getting credit where credit is deserved!

Oh, and thanks for the testimonial, i invented that!