- on helper's page
days in the sun, pre spf 50
my brain --whose name is brian-- is empty, or jammed full of static, or something. I will write something worth reading soon when equilibrium returns.
I am nothing without google.
I am nothing without google.
My brain's name is Brian, too. Weird.
my brain is a fat man, that sits on an old broken couch. What a fat bastard.

garbage man ambition update:
was in a car with my dad. just as we were turning right, a garbage truck cut in front of us and pulled 100 feet down the street. I got out to see if the car would fit around the truck. no. traffic was completely blocked & the smell was to cheese what cheese is to milk. like an amalgam of...
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was in a car with my dad. just as we were turning right, a garbage truck cut in front of us and pulled 100 feet down the street. I got out to see if the car would fit around the truck. no. traffic was completely blocked & the smell was to cheese what cheese is to milk. like an amalgam of...
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I think your the definate winner of the best line i've heard for my birthday...."almost cool enough to be 30"...
makes one feel much better....
Its nice to also find someone who has as you say....locked the l word away....too many people use it like its meaning is lost....i just hope i do get to give it to someone someday...and that he or she is the right one....

Its nice to also find someone who has as you say....locked the l word away....too many people use it like its meaning is lost....i just hope i do get to give it to someone someday...and that he or she is the right one....
My last sentence wasn't directed at you- it was just generally directed at anyone who'd think (say) doctors and teachers deserve a lot more than garbagemen.... well, those two have higher student-loan bills, probably, but as far as service to society goes: I don't need much more education (hopefully none); I haven't (luckily) needed an operation any time lately; I do need my garbage taken out every single week, without fail, for the rest of my life. That is all I mean.

+ :oink+
Hey, where did my 2nd piggy go?
[Edited on Jul 05, 2005 8:16PM]

Hey, where did my 2nd piggy go?

[Edited on Jul 05, 2005 8:16PM]
maybe that's my problem....but it never seems to be reciprocated...well not by right one...not that know who he is? It could be she? ....i guess i just need to leave well enough alone, just wish i something else to distract me while i wait!
maybe that's my problem....but it never seems to be reciprocated...well not by right one...not that know who he is? It could be she? ....i guess i just need to leave well enough alone, just wish i something else to distract me while i wait!
We Have a Winner for the Center of Time Contest:
said on
June 12, 2005 @ 12:26AM
"1 minute = the amount of time it took you to lose me on this one"
The Center of Time is --drumroll--: June 12, 2005
@ 5 o'clock metric time (12pm).
Congratulations Stella_Marie (!) for having designated
m0, which shall now be called "stella marie" or sm...
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said on
June 12, 2005 @ 12:26AM
"1 minute = the amount of time it took you to lose me on this one"
The Center of Time is --drumroll--: June 12, 2005
@ 5 o'clock metric time (12pm).
Congratulations Stella_Marie (!) for having designated
m0, which shall now be called "stella marie" or sm...
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What else did you invent? And i am hoping you are getting credit where credit is deserved!

Oh, and thanks for the testimonial, i invented that!
pilfered stuff
I woke up in the middle of the night only to discover that I had turned into a bobblehead doll

i want one.
whoa, interesting.
hehe, it has been a long time since i've gotten to smash things up.

hehe, it has been a long time since i've gotten to smash things up.
I wrote this as a joke in response to an email from an ex about my bosses:
Escaped Nun Motif
forgive me father for i have sinned
and i live in sin and visit
my sins upon my children each day
and will continue to do so
you keep absolving me
with tincture of alcohol
a bloody mess i am with absolut
shun the world...
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Escaped Nun Motif
forgive me father for i have sinned
and i live in sin and visit
my sins upon my children each day
and will continue to do so
you keep absolving me
with tincture of alcohol
a bloody mess i am with absolut
shun the world...
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I bet you say that to all the girls

catching me totally off guard
& other stuff
family, friends, associates, idols