Not sure how I feel about this new layout. I understand the need for mobile friendly pages, but this is a bit odd in my humble opinion. Hopefully I will get used to it in the next few days.

My Kickstarter continues. for another five and a half days after this blog goes up. Please give it a look if you're so inclined.

Here is...
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Life finally seems to be on the up for me. Which is good, because turning 35 did very little to encourage positivity from me. I do not think it was the age so much (that ain't nothing but a number) but rather an utterly failed attempt by my wife and children to give me a "special day". Instead I got whining, hemming and hawing and...
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Hope everyone American enjoyed their Independence Day and everyone non-American enjoyed the beginning of July while half of America was too drunk to do much of anything. I enjoyed the time off with the family as well as a few too many s'mores and frozen alcoholic concoctions. So not much writing done this weekend.

Going to brave all the negative reviews and go see Lone...
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thank you so much for your love on my set sweety kiss
How about that? Two blog posts in the space of a week! For a writer, I really do not update here often enough, do I?

I just want to give a quick shout out to YowlinYeti and KittyWu for the kind words in response to the last blog. I certainly don't pour my heart out here on occasion for anything other than personal catharsis. I...
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Life continues to alternate between shitty and sane. I still tend to overreact with dark thoughts and horrible downs, but I feel that things are slowly turning around and I am finally getting back to being a me I can at least like a little.

It is a strange feeling after months of really not liking anything about yourself to start to find rays of...
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i was just talking with my best friend about how hard it is to love oneself sometimes. for me, the hardest part is to let myself be upset and sad, but not beat myself up about.

i hope that your writing helps you tro overcome some of your obstacles. i haven't written in a long time because i would judge my writing and throw it all away.

also i remember a very scary velociraptor dream i had years ago. pretty sure it woke me up and i was sweating and couldnt get back to sleep smile
Hope everything gets better for you and stop having those mixed feelings.At least hope writing about it can help you cope with them and eventually things go back to normal. Take care and thanks a lot for showing some love on my set, very kind. smile
Seee ya!
So I've started to make an effort to turn my life around from depression, walk out of the hole I dug for myself in so much of the first few months of the year.

One way I'm doing that is by going back to writing, and more importantly, finding ways to challenge myself to get the creative juices flowing like they should. I spent far...
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Sometimes I hate everything.

The rest of the time, I wonder why I give a damn anymore.

Is it really worth it at all? Sometimes finding meaning in life just feels like a waste of time when everyone around you tries to trounce your hopes, dreams, desires and even your simplest enjoyment.

Why are certain people so willing to give up freedoms in this country in the name of the common good?

And why do the same people that rail against the Patriot Act infringing their Freedom of Speech so want to curtail the Second Amendment?

In other words, what the hell is wrong with people?

I don't get hate. I get disagreement. I get self-loathing. I get basic dislike for a thought, concept or a person that rubs you the wrong way. But I don't get the need to hate someone for any reason, whether it be ideas, appearance or otherwise. Maybe it's just not in my system.

What drives people to hate when there's so many reasons to enjoy...
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xoxoxo thank you love
The world needs more people like you.