"The happiness we recieve from ourselves is greater than that which we obtain from our surroundings ... This is why the same external events or circumstances affect no two people alike; even with perfectly similar surroundings everyone lives in a world of his own ... It is open to a foolish reader to envy the poet because so many delightful things happened to him, instead of envying the mighty power of phantasy which was capable of turning a fairly common experience into something great and beautiful."
~Arthur Schopenhauer
I came down to Santa Cruz yesterevening. I love Santa Cruz. It's the best place I've ever lived. I'm definately far from ready to settle anywhere though. This journey I'm on is far from over. I chilled with my pal, D, and watched the dumb emmys last night. Today I got up and skated all the way across town and met up with Tamara. We've been hangin' out all day. We're at the public library downtown currently. D works tonight, so Tamara and her friend and I may try and start a fire on the beach tonight. We shall see. Internet at D's house is inoperational, so you're gonna hafta wait for more pics. I'm heading back to Davis this next weekend 'cause Shane is gonna have a BBQ/Party. John called and asked me to DJ for a party at his house the following weekend. I told him that if I'm still around, I'll do it. It's been better than a year since I DJed last. That professional mobile DJ sell-out shit had fucked me up real bad, but I feel like I've recovered well since. This is probably the most chaotic journal entry ever. And for once, I'm not going to proof read it a hundred times, so make due, and I'll catcha next time.
current mood: haphazard
current music: Poe - Hello (Tribal Dub)
P.S. I will be ending my Suicide Girls subscription at the end of this month. To continue to follow my further expoits, add:
to your favorites or bookmarks.
~Arthur Schopenhauer
I came down to Santa Cruz yesterevening. I love Santa Cruz. It's the best place I've ever lived. I'm definately far from ready to settle anywhere though. This journey I'm on is far from over. I chilled with my pal, D, and watched the dumb emmys last night. Today I got up and skated all the way across town and met up with Tamara. We've been hangin' out all day. We're at the public library downtown currently. D works tonight, so Tamara and her friend and I may try and start a fire on the beach tonight. We shall see. Internet at D's house is inoperational, so you're gonna hafta wait for more pics. I'm heading back to Davis this next weekend 'cause Shane is gonna have a BBQ/Party. John called and asked me to DJ for a party at his house the following weekend. I told him that if I'm still around, I'll do it. It's been better than a year since I DJed last. That professional mobile DJ sell-out shit had fucked me up real bad, but I feel like I've recovered well since. This is probably the most chaotic journal entry ever. And for once, I'm not going to proof read it a hundred times, so make due, and I'll catcha next time.
current mood: haphazard
current music: Poe - Hello (Tribal Dub)

P.S. I will be ending my Suicide Girls subscription at the end of this month. To continue to follow my further expoits, add:
to your favorites or bookmarks.