I woke up at nine-thirty to a broken 'puter ('boot disk error'). I was realy getting into D/Ling and sorting musica lately too. I hope my data is safe n' sound, 'cause it ain't backed-up. My back-up drive took a dive about a month ago if you recall, ug! I can't find my copy of Windows XP, and I don't recall if I loaned it to somebody or something. I'm posting this from Punky's 'puter. I guess I'm just letting you know that if you don't hear from me for awhile, it's 'cause I haven't managed to fix my 'puter yet.
It's been a loooong day, and I have day shifts for the next coupla days. I'm gonna go home and play Zelda, and try to forget about my 'puter for the time being. Wish me luck.
It's been a loooong day, and I have day shifts for the next coupla days. I'm gonna go home and play Zelda, and try to forget about my 'puter for the time being. Wish me luck.

i loved Zelda for the very first Nintendo, it rocked my world back when i was like 10, i should play it again sometime, i would assume the newest one is remarkable
damn that lip ring