Im in the library at school killing time between classes. I just finish my 58 question Anatomy Exam in 20 minutes. I kick ass. I was also just stuck in the elevator with a guy on his cell phone talking to (i suppose) his girlfriend. He kept saying over and over 'I love you baby, I love you, you know I do, dont make me say it, I love you.'
I have to call Florida later and wish my dad a happy birthday. Maybe Ill finally get my monroe pierced tonight. Im hoping I dont have to go into work tonight. Im on call incase someone calls out. Its such bullshit though because yesterday I tried to call out sick and my manager told be to come in anyway. Im at the point where Im about to fire myself! This job sucks. I miss working in the deli but the pay here is so much better.

I have to call Florida later and wish my dad a happy birthday. Maybe Ill finally get my monroe pierced tonight. Im hoping I dont have to go into work tonight. Im on call incase someone calls out. Its such bullshit though because yesterday I tried to call out sick and my manager told be to come in anyway. Im at the point where Im about to fire myself! This job sucks. I miss working in the deli but the pay here is so much better.
work sucks...dont stress urself too much tho cause no job is worth it
my puppy and your puppy need to make puppies.