So Im all excited to go to the SGNY party last night. I go downtown to meet my boyfriend for dinner and we were planning on jumping on the M train from there. We start talking over dinnner and he decided that the neighbor really isnt the greatest of places and it wouldnt be smart to take the train there at night, just the two of us.
We could have been wrong...this could have been a pefectly safe neighborhood and all but being that both of us grew up in Brooklyn we have the knowledge of what neighborhood are seedy and what whats are just plan dangerous.
So of course Im upset, I reallyyyyy wanted to meet some new people and mingle. Im sure it had to be a hard decision for him too considering that Alexis was planning on going and shes his absolute favorite. Anyway, We decide to go into the city because he wanted to replace a kangol hat that he shrunk in the wash and i wanted to get my nose pierced (piercings always cheer me up).
We get on the train and take it to Astor Place in the village. He really had to take a piss so I stood towards the end of the platform while he went all the way down to the end to go. Im standing there looking like Im waiting for the train by myself but really Im watching for police because theyre all over the place in the holiday season and they give out tickets like the easter bunny gives out candy.
As Im standing there, some well dress guy comes down onto the platform but on the other side. I guess he was going downtown and we were on the side going uptown. So hes looking around I figured he wanted to piss also. Nope. I look again and the guys is staring at me with his cock in his hand-stroking it.
Now I have to tell you he had a HUGE cock. I mean like porn star type penis. I was feeling kind of violated and my stomach turned but i was also a little flattered. I dont know why but i felt a little dirty.
This went on for about 5-10 secs before my boyfriend turned around and yelled at the guy to put his dick back in his pants and stop staring at his girl. So we ran out of the station and went about our business. What a night. would have liked to go to the SGNY party instead. Thats for damn sure.

So of course Im upset, I reallyyyyy wanted to meet some new people and mingle. Im sure it had to be a hard decision for him too considering that Alexis was planning on going and shes his absolute favorite. Anyway, We decide to go into the city because he wanted to replace a kangol hat that he shrunk in the wash and i wanted to get my nose pierced (piercings always cheer me up).
We get on the train and take it to Astor Place in the village. He really had to take a piss so I stood towards the end of the platform while he went all the way down to the end to go. Im standing there looking like Im waiting for the train by myself but really Im watching for police because theyre all over the place in the holiday season and they give out tickets like the easter bunny gives out candy.
As Im standing there, some well dress guy comes down onto the platform but on the other side. I guess he was going downtown and we were on the side going uptown. So hes looking around I figured he wanted to piss also. Nope. I look again and the guys is staring at me with his cock in his hand-stroking it.
Now I have to tell you he had a HUGE cock. I mean like porn star type penis. I was feeling kind of violated and my stomach turned but i was also a little flattered. I dont know why but i felt a little dirty.

This went on for about 5-10 secs before my boyfriend turned around and yelled at the guy to put his dick back in his pants and stop staring at his girl. So we ran out of the station and went about our business. What a night. would have liked to go to the SGNY party instead. Thats for damn sure.
I'll be back in spring, but I refuse another east coast winter
yeah that mugshot is a pic of me. and congers is in the NW suburbs of NYC, like 20 miles