Oh I wish I could get a massage. I need to invent a teleportation chamber so I can have someone give me a massage from switzerland. HA
Yeah, some people do though so its bugging me a little bit.
I must have been pretty nasty to just up and have people ignore me. Being sarcastic isn't liked by everyone. They know where they can kiss it.
Have a wonderful weekend of playing your sax and good luck with assholes. You seem to be running into quite alot in the place you live at.
Me I'm sick as a dog. I've had the flu since tues. Its killin me today!
Art Pepper: a significant alto saxophonist. He had his own voice, and just as technical as bird but could never really get out from his shadow. He was in and out of jail as well, somewhat of an addict. But still one of the all time greats.
Yeah, some people do though so its bugging me a little bit.
I must have been pretty nasty to just up and have people ignore me. Being sarcastic isn't liked by everyone. They know where they can kiss it.
Have a wonderful weekend of playing your sax and good luck with assholes. You seem to be running into quite alot in the place you live at.
Art Pepper: a significant alto saxophonist. He had his own voice, and just as technical as bird but could never really get out from his shadow. He was in and out of jail as well, somewhat of an addict. But still one of the all time greats.