Punch him in the stomach after you punch him in the throat.
he he
I want fuzzies of my own. I wish to one day have at least 3 snakes, a few spiders, 2 fuzzies, a bulldog, a pug, a sharpei, and a siamese cat. A house will be in order until then I shall be petless until I move out on my own. I'm a student so I live with my momma and dadoo.
he he
I want fuzzies of my own. I wish to one day have at least 3 snakes, a few spiders, 2 fuzzies, a bulldog, a pug, a sharpei, and a siamese cat. A house will be in order until then I shall be petless until I move out on my own. I'm a student so I live with my momma and dadoo.