That is so weird that you saw my skirt in Industrial strength the same day as you came across my profile on sg?!?.... i love coincidences!!
Your shopping day sounds fun.. me days rule.. haha!
I hope you have cleared up all the water now! that would have sucked!!
Why no sax? Is it broke?
Sorry you can't play, good luck with the withdrawls.
Damn, maybe men really should do house stuff then us. Maybe it wouldn't have flooded.
Good luck with the cleanup. Moldy carpets blow.
Your shopping day sounds fun.. me days rule.. haha!
I hope you have cleared up all the water now! that would have sucked!!
Sorry you can't play, good luck with the withdrawls.
Damn, maybe men really should do house stuff then us. Maybe it wouldn't have flooded.
Good luck with the cleanup. Moldy carpets blow.