Wednesday Jan 05, 2011 Jan 4, 2011 0 Facebook Tweet Email I VIEW 13 of 13 COMMENTS countessa: Looks amazing! That would have taken me like... 60000 sessions to get done! *wimp* I fucking hate mortality. Its true that all we have is time, but no one will tell you how much time there is left! Jan 9, 2011 conjure: Wow! That looks fantastic!! And welcome back! I just came back as well (actually back to SG though, after a year's hiatus.) Glad to hear you're doing well x Feb 12, 2011
I fucking hate mortality. Its true that all we have is time, but no one will tell you how much time there is left!
And welcome back! I just came back as well (actually back to SG though, after a year's hiatus.)
Glad to hear you're doing well x