a while back, I mentioned how my cousin's girlfriend wanted to fix me up with her old boss. figured we were a good fit (similar interests, we don't drink, etc.). at least I think I mentioned it. we were going to meet, her uncle dies. nothing for a while.
today, my cousin said she got fired, has disappeared, and probably won't see her again. my cousin tells me "Looks like you dodged a bullet." yup, closest thing I've had to a date or a girl interested in me for over 10 years, and I dodged the bullet. ehh, whatever. a long time ago I figured out I'm going to pretty much live my life alone and die alone. so at least I won't get disappointed. as I tell people, I see my life in a nihilistic view....I don't bother getting my hopes up, because it won't happen. so far, life hasn't proven me wrong.
ehh, but whatever. at least I don't have to worry about figuring out a relationship. so that's good, right? or at least I hope so.
so yeah, that's about it. what's up with you?