well, have a week off. planning on unpacking more stuff (I have about five bins to go through) and getting the last bit settled. get my computer desk over and set-up (going in my bedroom for my laptop and wireless laserjet printer) and move some stuff around in my bedroom. plus some work and an open house at my job.
plus turn 40....so far have yet to be dating on my birthday (well, technically I was dating twice....both had started in mid-February or later, so just starting in the relationship), so its an "eh" day for me. plus not a lot of friends in the area, so I won't be going out for my 40th (then again, I spent my 21st by myself and my 30th doing very little). what a life, huh?
maybe one of these days I'll get social. then again, where do late 30's to early 40's single people meet? I hate bars and don't drink. plus too much social stuff going on is a drain on me. most of my friends are in other states (some even other countries) so don't have people to hang out with either. plus the one girl I'm interested in (we're friends, I used to work with her) has no interest (her exact words) even though she has said she likes me because I understand her....but she won't date me because I've been single for 10/11 years now (she's been single for 5+ years). bummers....such is life I guess!
so yeah, that's about it.....how are things going in your life?