random thoughts.....
...just saw the trailer for World War Z....I am not happy with what I saw. I have read the book (a few times) and would prefer something closer to the book. unfortunately, I do not believe the book would be a good movie. a TV series, yes, but not a single movie.
...the elections are over. people are complaining and what-not. here's what I take away from the elections:
1. the United States has moved forward, in my opinion, regarding an increase in the number of young voters, a better representation of the entire population voting, and an increase in the number of women in Congress. all good things. sadly, we just elected our first openly gay member of Congress. and I say sadly because it took so long for this to occur. 2012, we have sent probes to Mars and it took us this long to elect someone who was openly gay (and see past a person's sexuality and acknowledge that this woman has the potential to do a great job). yeah....there is still progress to be made. but at least its being made.
2. the people have made choices. agree or disagree, the choices have been made. live with it. deal with it. or leave.
3. only one person who ran for office made ads that made me go "Hey, I want this person in office!" Kirsten Gillibrand ran and was elected to the Senate from New York State. her ad campaign...."Here is what I've done." it was refreshing to see someone telling us what they have done in office instead of attacking the other person. maybe we the people of the US will get lucky and have other politicians see this as a viable option.
...got no car. my older sister's car broke down last week, so she borrowed my car. I got it back briefly Thursday before it broke down AGAIN. she asked how long she can borrow it for. well....I told her the inspection is due at the end of the month and when it needs an oil change (been doing it myself the past few years). and also the fact that I've been using semi-synthetic oil in the engine. she asked why....I told her simply "its 10 years old and have 98,000+ miles on the car". answer enough?
...registered for another Civil Service Exam. caseworker for Monroe County. fingers crossed.
think that's about it. yes, if you ask, I am more liberal minded than some. but when it comes to politics, I'm a thinking independent. and part of that thought process is the idea that each person has the right to live their life as they wish as long as it does not impede on someone else. or as I put it...."I don't care what you do for a living or who you want to sleep with or anything else as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything against their will." yeah, things being legal would be nice as well. but to me, what's more important....the not hurting others.
think that's about it...going to stretch and relax some. feel like I got hit by a truck recently....which is odd since the most strenuous thing I've done recently was go bowling with my neighbor. go figure....must be getting old!
...just saw the trailer for World War Z....I am not happy with what I saw. I have read the book (a few times) and would prefer something closer to the book. unfortunately, I do not believe the book would be a good movie. a TV series, yes, but not a single movie.
...the elections are over. people are complaining and what-not. here's what I take away from the elections:
1. the United States has moved forward, in my opinion, regarding an increase in the number of young voters, a better representation of the entire population voting, and an increase in the number of women in Congress. all good things. sadly, we just elected our first openly gay member of Congress. and I say sadly because it took so long for this to occur. 2012, we have sent probes to Mars and it took us this long to elect someone who was openly gay (and see past a person's sexuality and acknowledge that this woman has the potential to do a great job). yeah....there is still progress to be made. but at least its being made.
2. the people have made choices. agree or disagree, the choices have been made. live with it. deal with it. or leave.
3. only one person who ran for office made ads that made me go "Hey, I want this person in office!" Kirsten Gillibrand ran and was elected to the Senate from New York State. her ad campaign...."Here is what I've done." it was refreshing to see someone telling us what they have done in office instead of attacking the other person. maybe we the people of the US will get lucky and have other politicians see this as a viable option.
...got no car. my older sister's car broke down last week, so she borrowed my car. I got it back briefly Thursday before it broke down AGAIN. she asked how long she can borrow it for. well....I told her the inspection is due at the end of the month and when it needs an oil change (been doing it myself the past few years). and also the fact that I've been using semi-synthetic oil in the engine. she asked why....I told her simply "its 10 years old and have 98,000+ miles on the car". answer enough?
...registered for another Civil Service Exam. caseworker for Monroe County. fingers crossed.
think that's about it. yes, if you ask, I am more liberal minded than some. but when it comes to politics, I'm a thinking independent. and part of that thought process is the idea that each person has the right to live their life as they wish as long as it does not impede on someone else. or as I put it...."I don't care what you do for a living or who you want to sleep with or anything else as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything against their will." yeah, things being legal would be nice as well. but to me, what's more important....the not hurting others.
think that's about it...going to stretch and relax some. feel like I got hit by a truck recently....which is odd since the most strenuous thing I've done recently was go bowling with my neighbor. go figure....must be getting old!