so just got rejected by RIT. when asked for feedback, it seemed to be the following combination:
1. "freshness" of examples. I've been out of the field over five years now. add to that the fact that I graduated in 2007 and still am job searching.
2. some of my examples and my presentation indicated I may not have been as good of a fit as the other candidates.
ehh, whatever. what does one apply for when they haven't been able to find a job since 2007 professionally anyways?
seriously, anyone have suggestions of ideas? due to finances, I'm kind of locked into the area I live (while at one time I had a savings account....and it was over $2000, when my mom, who was the only person to have access to it finally turned it over to me, there was less than $100 in the account. all she said was "I had to pay bills") since moving isn't in my financial means right now (getting that down payment for an apartment will be quite difficult) and being a part of the 150 million unemployed/underemployed, with a specialized degree that means nothing outside of the field (school counseling), and facing 4 years now of constant rejection, what does one do to keep positive and keep going? how long until I finally just say "Fuck it, I can't find a job, no one seems to want to hire me, why even bother?" honestly, right now, I am approaching that level. don't know how much longer my car will last (2002 Dodge Neon, almost 100,000 miles on it) and after that goes.....seriously fucked.
thanks selfish bastards for fucking up the economy for all those years.....I hope they realize that there is a large percentage of college grads now who have an obscene amount of student loans (speaking as someone maxed out on my loans) and no job prospects....hope the greed was worth it. you fucked over generations of people. here's hoping that when Judgment Day comes, you find out that bribing your way out of something won't work anymore.
1. "freshness" of examples. I've been out of the field over five years now. add to that the fact that I graduated in 2007 and still am job searching.
2. some of my examples and my presentation indicated I may not have been as good of a fit as the other candidates.
ehh, whatever. what does one apply for when they haven't been able to find a job since 2007 professionally anyways?
seriously, anyone have suggestions of ideas? due to finances, I'm kind of locked into the area I live (while at one time I had a savings account....and it was over $2000, when my mom, who was the only person to have access to it finally turned it over to me, there was less than $100 in the account. all she said was "I had to pay bills") since moving isn't in my financial means right now (getting that down payment for an apartment will be quite difficult) and being a part of the 150 million unemployed/underemployed, with a specialized degree that means nothing outside of the field (school counseling), and facing 4 years now of constant rejection, what does one do to keep positive and keep going? how long until I finally just say "Fuck it, I can't find a job, no one seems to want to hire me, why even bother?" honestly, right now, I am approaching that level. don't know how much longer my car will last (2002 Dodge Neon, almost 100,000 miles on it) and after that goes.....seriously fucked.
thanks selfish bastards for fucking up the economy for all those years.....I hope they realize that there is a large percentage of college grads now who have an obscene amount of student loans (speaking as someone maxed out on my loans) and no job prospects....hope the greed was worth it. you fucked over generations of people. here's hoping that when Judgment Day comes, you find out that bribing your way out of something won't work anymore.
I wish I had some good advise, but I already gave up on what I wanted to do and plan on getting certified in something that I won't like as much and won't pay as well, but there are more jobs available and it won't kill me to do it.
Maybe you could look for things that are similar, but working with a community organization that could use a "Youth Counselor" or another private institution? I'm really sorry...