so the heat wave has hit where I live. to the point where we were warmer than Florida. seriously, I did not sign up for this. I do not complain about the cold...I like the cold. its easy t deal with. and I can sleep. but with this heat, I end up sleeping in spurts, restlessly, because, no matter how much the Central Air pumps out, my room does the greenhouse effect and gets too warm.
talked with my neighbors yesterday, the damage being done to education is getting more and more evident. these neighbors are both Special Education teachers (IE, there are federal dollars tied into their jobs). 1/3 of the Special Education staff in their district was cut, including one of my neighbors. so how long will it be before you either need to get a scholarship or have the money to pay for a private school to actually get a good education? with how things are going here (let's see....New York is cutting taxes on the top earners while cutting aid for education and health care...then hampering the ability of School Districts to raise additional funds. and this includes not wanting districts to be able to have billboards on the school buses to raise funds). and unfortunately, it seems the Republican party is concerned about those with money while the Democratic party is concerned with the elderly and the poor, leaving the middle class up a creek. seriously, can we get someone in office (IE, a President) who looks at Congress and goes "Okay, jackasses, once you got elected you lost your political affiliation. Your job is to make America work for all Americans, not just the select few of your 'parties'. If you can not get our head around this concept, please step forward now so we can remove you from Congress and get someone who will understand this idea!" but I guess this will never happen. at least in my lifetime.
so what else is new? my car is running now....wondering how much damage could have been done since I was running it from December to now with Transmission fluid still mixed with the Radiator fluid. what does the Transmission fluid itself look like? brand new (I call it grape Kool-Aid). so that is good.
and I think that's about still sucks. time to hardcore look for a new job. honestly, when I get cut to about 20 hours a week because "Well, the college students are back...and they need hours for their scholarship requirements..." okay, so why don't these precious college students work during the school year? oh, yeah, it would interfere with their social lives. but what do I know (I was a full-time grad student working my ass off, getting as many hours as I could before).
so what's new with you?
and damn, miss my Chat peeps!
talked with my neighbors yesterday, the damage being done to education is getting more and more evident. these neighbors are both Special Education teachers (IE, there are federal dollars tied into their jobs). 1/3 of the Special Education staff in their district was cut, including one of my neighbors. so how long will it be before you either need to get a scholarship or have the money to pay for a private school to actually get a good education? with how things are going here (let's see....New York is cutting taxes on the top earners while cutting aid for education and health care...then hampering the ability of School Districts to raise additional funds. and this includes not wanting districts to be able to have billboards on the school buses to raise funds). and unfortunately, it seems the Republican party is concerned about those with money while the Democratic party is concerned with the elderly and the poor, leaving the middle class up a creek. seriously, can we get someone in office (IE, a President) who looks at Congress and goes "Okay, jackasses, once you got elected you lost your political affiliation. Your job is to make America work for all Americans, not just the select few of your 'parties'. If you can not get our head around this concept, please step forward now so we can remove you from Congress and get someone who will understand this idea!" but I guess this will never happen. at least in my lifetime.
so what else is new? my car is running now....wondering how much damage could have been done since I was running it from December to now with Transmission fluid still mixed with the Radiator fluid. what does the Transmission fluid itself look like? brand new (I call it grape Kool-Aid). so that is good.
and I think that's about still sucks. time to hardcore look for a new job. honestly, when I get cut to about 20 hours a week because "Well, the college students are back...and they need hours for their scholarship requirements..." okay, so why don't these precious college students work during the school year? oh, yeah, it would interfere with their social lives. but what do I know (I was a full-time grad student working my ass off, getting as many hours as I could before).
so what's new with you?
and damn, miss my Chat peeps!
The type 7176 fluid used in your transmission does tend to have a slight purplish hue to it. The best way to tell anymore if the fluid is good is honestly by smell. Make a mental note of how it smells cold and hot, as it will become more acrid as the parrafins break down and become more interlaced with carbon. If it ever looks like Strawberry Quik, you know there is water in the unit.
It will build up sludge and inhibit the cooling potential of the system. As we talked about earlier, they might have put a rust inhibitor or aftermarket sealer/ conditioner in the fluid when they flushed it out last time. When you start putting a myriad of additives in the vehicle, it becomes hard to discern what "normal" is supposed to look like anymore.