so last day of vacation...I need to fix the hood latch (again) of my car and get another engine flush done. and make sure the radiator hose stays attached this time. my neighbor was quite surprised by the fact that the hose stayed on so long without the clamp being locked down.
although I did run out of radiator fluid...oddly enough, I still had a temperature gauge register from my car and the heat worked. so guessing I had fluid in the radiator but not the reservoir (or something like that). and got really lucky.
now I know my projects for the week, though....more job searching (hard core, in all directions) and getting things fixed. and maybe looking for deals and such (and ways to save money) to get another engine flush done. damn I hate part-time employment. thanks Republicans for screwing things up nicely, and thanks politicians for being more concerned about those lining your pockets than being concerned about the people you are supposed to be representing who are getting screwed over by those lining your pockets.
oh well, how is your life? today, cook, do some dishes, fold and put away my laundry and make sure things are (still) nicely cleaned up. so far, so good, that's for sure!
although I did run out of radiator fluid...oddly enough, I still had a temperature gauge register from my car and the heat worked. so guessing I had fluid in the radiator but not the reservoir (or something like that). and got really lucky.
now I know my projects for the week, though....more job searching (hard core, in all directions) and getting things fixed. and maybe looking for deals and such (and ways to save money) to get another engine flush done. damn I hate part-time employment. thanks Republicans for screwing things up nicely, and thanks politicians for being more concerned about those lining your pockets than being concerned about the people you are supposed to be representing who are getting screwed over by those lining your pockets.
oh well, how is your life? today, cook, do some dishes, fold and put away my laundry and make sure things are (still) nicely cleaned up. so far, so good, that's for sure!
Life is life & I'm couldn't be more frustrated at the moment haha. But things could be getting better, you never can tell if you're me