Home. Home isn’t always a place. It can be a feeling, a memory, and even a person.
My whole life I’ve never really felt like I belonged anywhere. Even with some of my closest peeps, I still felt out of place. Like I was a visitor, a guest.
I always Felt like I was adopted. Didn’t fit in with my family at all.
It has been many years since I felt a sense of home, and that ended way too soon.
If you know my mom and how I grew up, you totally understand why I never felt that.
I honestly never expected to have that sense of comfort, love or belonging ever again.
But I found home. When I’m with her, the rest of the world melts away and I am at piece. My stupid noisy brain can shut the fuck up for a bit. And I am completely happy.
This is the happiest I’ve been in half a lifetime. if not my whole life
I found home and I’m not letting her go.
@luasant 🤗🤗🤗