Pussy-Whipped asshole!!!
Okay so for reasons that I don't quite understand, I actually WANTED to go out on Valentines day (night)
I haven't been out in a while so I thought "what the hell"
There was a Psychobilly/singles party thing going on at a local bar not that far from home.
8 bucks. Four bands. Cheap drinks. Fucking-A
Well it sounded like a goodtime except for the fact that my friend and his girlfriend tagged along.
Innocent enough, but not when I had to hear shit from them all night long about why I don't hit on this chick or that chick ...UGH! Listen Assholes I don't date. I won't date.
The part that's really killing me is that my friend never gave a shit whether I dated or not. All of a sudden his GF wants me to be hooked up, so now he thinks I need to be hooked up ARRRGH!!!
It's official, my bestfriend officially lost his free will/ balls (same thing)
Christ. I think I need new friends.
Okay so for reasons that I don't quite understand, I actually WANTED to go out on Valentines day (night)
I haven't been out in a while so I thought "what the hell"
There was a Psychobilly/singles party thing going on at a local bar not that far from home.
8 bucks. Four bands. Cheap drinks. Fucking-A
Well it sounded like a goodtime except for the fact that my friend and his girlfriend tagged along.
Innocent enough, but not when I had to hear shit from them all night long about why I don't hit on this chick or that chick ...UGH! Listen Assholes I don't date. I won't date.
The part that's really killing me is that my friend never gave a shit whether I dated or not. All of a sudden his GF wants me to be hooked up, so now he thinks I need to be hooked up ARRRGH!!!
It's official, my bestfriend officially lost his free will/ balls (same thing)
Christ. I think I need new friends.