Today I finally got off my ass and started working on my painting... it's coming together.
It should be finished already but I'm the eternal slacker. Oh well fuck it! I work better under pressure anyway.
Today was pencils I sketched out my idea on the 12' x 16' canvas.
Tomorrow...or should I say: in a few hours, I hope to start to laydown the paints.
In a perfect world I like to be finished by tomorrow, but if I csn finish it by next saturday I'd say I'm in good shape.
Unfortunately, I'm my own worst critic, and I'm doubting myself every step of the way but that's buiseness as usual. Wow. being neurotic is fun!!! (sarcasm)
I'll try to post a pic of my painting when it's finished so that the 2 people who read this can see that I'm more than just a pretty face *joke*
Today I finally got off my ass and started working on my painting... it's coming together.
It should be finished already but I'm the eternal slacker. Oh well fuck it! I work better under pressure anyway.
Today was pencils I sketched out my idea on the 12' x 16' canvas.
Tomorrow...or should I say: in a few hours, I hope to start to laydown the paints.
In a perfect world I like to be finished by tomorrow, but if I csn finish it by next saturday I'd say I'm in good shape.
Unfortunately, I'm my own worst critic, and I'm doubting myself every step of the way but that's buiseness as usual. Wow. being neurotic is fun!!! (sarcasm)

I'll try to post a pic of my painting when it's finished so that the 2 people who read this can see that I'm more than just a pretty face *joke*