This is not for attention or fuck off ! I am only writing this because I thought It was interesting enough to mention. I dreamt that I killed myself the other night.
Sleeping Pills. hmmm...I never thought I'd do it that way.
What was interesting about it was how it played out. I took pills I went to sleep.
The part that I though was interesting, was that I was brought back from the dead by a person who wouldn't bother in real life.
When I was dead I realized all the things that I'd be missing if I really was dead.
I awoke with a "huh?" the next morning. And a sense of peace.
Well I learned something about myself that night...I have no interest in killing myself in real llife.
Sleeping Pills. hmmm...I never thought I'd do it that way.
What was interesting about it was how it played out. I took pills I went to sleep.
The part that I though was interesting, was that I was brought back from the dead by a person who wouldn't bother in real life.
When I was dead I realized all the things that I'd be missing if I really was dead.
I awoke with a "huh?" the next morning. And a sense of peace.
Well I learned something about myself that night...I have no interest in killing myself in real llife.