Hey man, 9 seconds is still an improvement. And best of all, I can actually jog now 🤯🤯. I still have a long way to go. But I’m still working on it. Every day is an opportunity to try.


Okay so this piece gave me nothing but grief, after a digital delete of my working file AND spilling coffee on my piece I hand inked, I’ve finally overcome all the bad Ju-Ju.
I bring you The witching hour. I hope people enjoy it, as it took me the better part of a week to finish this.
I shall be completely satisfied with this piece
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@shalil thank you 🙏
@brightmeadow22 @andressavr @babilina @elune @nannakya @rare @shalil  Thank you all so much for liking what I do! 🤗 It honestly inspires me to keep going.   I promise more to come.

I am my own worst critic and it’s always been a struggle to believe in my abilities. This year I became a Resident Gallery Artist and I continue to get better every day... It’s time for me to take chances on myself and my happiness. And to go for what I want. I deserve it. I’m willing to put in the work and fight for...
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Good luck! 🤞🏻
@shalil 🙏🤗 Than you so much!!

How I currently feel after accidentally deleting a project that I’ve worked on for over 6 hours... God Dammit!!!

Damn 😬
@shalil I know 😭 I’m so mad at myself.
Art Therapy: I’ve been having a rough couple of days. In my mind.
In the past, good things in my life always seem to be followed by absolute nightmares. As I’ve been having a pretty good year overall, I’m starting to wonder if the new nightmares are on their way.
Thankfully I put a pencil to paper and was able to get some of those...
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When it comes to my personal belongings, sometimes I want to embrace minimalism, as I love the philosophy and mindset.

Other times, I’m reminded of all the cool shit I have.
To this day, my inner child is still traumatized from my Mom making me sell all of my He-man and Transformers toys practically at gun-point when I was a kid. FOR A QUARTER A
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Yep that's Gemini in a nutshell!  If you read that *actual* story of the twins - Castor and Pollux - (or many many variations from China to Mezo-America) you'll find out that one of the twins is dead.  The deal was--twins were raised together until puberty and then one was killed.  The natural link between twins thus became a link between the living and the dead.  To this day Geminis struggle between periods of creativity and/or socializing followed by periods of complete shutdown.  learning that this is a pattern and anticipating it--and not judging it--is tough but doable.  or that's what i keep telling my Gemini wife!.    // and i did that thing once: sold a bunch things and got me a cabin.   now i so regret that.  what did i sell? oh, nothing special, just Spiderman#1, the first series of Nick Fury Agent of Shield, Sub-mariner #1, and 8 original Zap comix.  any one of them now would have bought that cabin and all the land for a good distance around!
@oldernow ouch. Yeah I sold the first 30 issues of Walking dead for a little over $1200. I wasn’t working at the time so…no regrets.  But I can totally relate to periods of productivity followed by  periods of inactivity. This rings true.  But yes. I don’t mind telling you that I have. A. Lot. Of. Comics.  And sometimes, I just think of unburdening my self and selling the lot. Unfortunately my go to contact for selling my collection passed away due to covid so. Now trying to sell everything would be a huge undertaking.  And I’m still not sure about it. Every day I feel differently.


Beat my previous time 🙌🙌

Despite feeling so down on myself, I know that I’m making better choices now. It’s just hard for me so see the positive things sometimes. I am my own worst critic.

Hopefully somewhere, some day, I’ll make someone proud.

@felicity Thank you!

If you like my art, please check this out. Thank you my lovelies 🤗🤗🤗


Happy Birthday to my favorite Muse ever!! The Beautiful, Sweet @brightmeadow22

How about showing her sets some birthday love!!!

Thankyou luv 🥺🥰
@brightmeadow22 you deserve it Birthday Girl ❤️❤️

Actually I can think of a wonderful reason 🥰, I just didn’t know it was so visible on my face.