Today hmmm, bored, bills to pay, shit hitting fans around the world and we might be going to war with Iran . . . wtf I am already going to Afghanistan . . . I am not running to Iran -.-
Why cant we just nuke the sons of bitches off the planet and say there you pushed our buttons so we hit the big red button, tootles. . . would make things go by smoother and well they got the death sentence in a quick and painless way, maybe a bit loud and blinding but hey no pain muhahaha.
Other than that I am going back to my little world, knock and I might let you in ;-)
Why cant we just nuke the sons of bitches off the planet and say there you pushed our buttons so we hit the big red button, tootles. . . would make things go by smoother and well they got the death sentence in a quick and painless way, maybe a bit loud and blinding but hey no pain muhahaha.
Other than that I am going back to my little world, knock and I might let you in ;-)
thanks for the love on my set violette!