last night i went to a crazy hat party. i made a party hat with a cameltoe on it. my friends fucking rock. ooo aaa
rob reminded me that jethro tull was in concert here tonight and today at work, who did i happen to run into? i totally made coffee for jethro tull's sound crew. fucking right. they seriously kept coming back and ordering more and more drinks. i made like 3 double espresso macchiatos and 5 lattes and a hot chocolate and then this guy dropped it and...
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waiting for kids to get outta work so we can partay. or not. i went out to the bar last night. way too much vodka and redbull. i totally went to my psychology class still drunk this morning. then i decided that class was silly, so i didn't even bother going to history. i hung out with michael this afternoon/evening...we took a nap and ate...
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we can hang out any time girl wink hehe
still feel yucky, but i'm getting a bit better. i skipped my first class this morning and then i went to math...i got a 65 on my math test which is shitty, but it's still a lot better than what i was expecting. since everyone did crappy on it my professor gave us extra credit due on thursday and if i find someone who actually...
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awwe, I've been feeling hella lonely lately too...and it really fucking sucks. I almost feel like im going to go insane from it! argh!

keep your head up, girly. im here if you ever wanna talk =)

hehe sorry to be such a comment whore here but i saw your 'current crush' and i think im inlove with you! eeek

i am the hello kitty freak from hell...tattoo to prove it hehe
yeah, so i'm definitely still sick. i woke up this morning to the phone ringing and i answered it and couldn't even talk. i've been so raspy and hoarse all day and it's just not a lot of fun. i think i need to drink a swimming pool full of nyquil and just pass the fuck out. skull

shawnee and i went to the hockey game...
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so you're too sick to talk, or do school work... but you managed to get to a hockey game and cut a friends hair?

i like your way of thinking.


haha, it took me a long time to figure out what you were taking about, i'm dumb. smile (your see saw comment smile )

i know how you feel, get better!
yeah, so maybe i'll start writing in here since i've been neglecting my other journal lately. i'm sick and it fucking sucks. my head hurts and it's feverish and my throat is dry and scratchy and i'm bored. everyone's either at work or gone home for the weekend. i cleaned yesterday...this room was a pigsty and i spent a long time just hanging up all...
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unlike jason, i DID read your journal entry, so that makes me better, right?

i want to say that maybe everything will get better. but i don't know you. and i don't know anything. it probably will. i hope your roommate is ok.

ever see me say hi. i like coffee, too.
i actually hate coffee, i just make it cause i'm the starbucks bitch. come say hi sometime!