About two weeks ago, i was sitting out in the woods having a meal with some raccoons, and i over heard the oddest thing. Although they were holding poptarts in their hands and chewing on them like something out of the mad hatters tea party, i could have sworn i heard "what, do they think we're stupid?" being said as crumbs sprinkled to the ground. it was a bit puzzleing, for no one else was around.
and then it dawns on me, as im hunched up under some stairs stayin out of the wind, that the Angel Moroni was refusing to state it's real name. instead, it gave the Latin word for 'morons'. Joseph Smith encoundered 'Moroni' in the woods near Palmyra NY. As it gave a name in the plural form in Latin (moronii) it might be assumed it was the entity 'Legion' mentioned in the gospels, that christ had cast into a herd of swine.
This same entity, moroni, is the one which actually bragged about killing someone i had met, and told me it had people feed her remains to me. it also promised to kill me and another freind of mine in front of each other while sodomizing us, while the cowardly dogs sat there at a starbucks in canandaigua, laughing about it and sipping their skim milk lattes, like a herd of mad cows.
these things actually look down upon us 'puny humans' (yes it actually called me a puny human on two seperate occassions) and no, Im not the only one who has heard its taunts.
no kidding Moroni (aka Legion), do you really think we are stupid, you cowardly dogs? boo swine! who are the true morons? aufweidersehen Moroni! jajaja. dont you get it? boo?