Luna is the Mother of Our Solar system. The Core of a Star that Burst Many Millenium Ago. She supplied all of the Materials Necessary for Life... Ours is a Binary Star System. Luna, being classed as BlackDwarf, which collapse from a carbon producing star, and are primarily made up of, oddly enough, diamond. We here on this World Orbit around Her in a GeoStationary orbit. So, with something so beautiful going on around our heads everyday, why on Earth did NASA and the Governments Lie and Say we landed on Luna. they didnt. they said they went to the moon, on a lunar mission. they did. we are the moon of Luna. all that so they could pass a lie off with a straight face! Enough! This is a Joke! No More Lies! the Eve of the New Era is upon us. will noone stand up for the Son of Man? then all is Lost. May God our Creator be with us during this darkest Hour. Praises to Hosanna in the Highest.