Its almost that day you counted down for as a child i love Christmas theres no better feeling in this world then walking out of your bed room sleep still in your eye and seeing a sea of brightly colored boxes sitting there now that im a little bit older then 8 years old i love this holiday because its the one day a year every one in the family makes an effort to be selfless don't get me wrong my family is amazing and i love them more then anything but on Christmas morning all i feel is love and warmth and you know id trade anything in the world to have my grandma back for that one day i miss you so much but on a lighter note this will be the first Christmas in 2 years with my mom dad and brother all together im ecstatic to spend the day with them new years resolution for this year is to grow closer to my brother we are not as close as we would like we both decided this is the year we would change it I hope you all have an amazing holiday no matter what you celebrate be happy and don't take the people close to you for-granted

I would love to see this under my tree this year

on a side note i laid in my bed listing to modest mouse the other day and just thought wouldn't it be nice to have a special girl there just to cuddle hug and love i dont want sex i just want some one to hold me tight and know they care hey maybe some day right

Have a good day <3
yeh i love getting together with family for the holidays, its so hard getting everyone together now though. my mom lives in mississippi, my sister lives in texas and im in ohio.
Oh, well, yes, at first the Mexican zombie walk doesnt have much diffusion, now it appears in all the press and everywhere ...Happy Holidays!!