This week has been good =] so ill give you folks a little peek into my life
My monday night was quite plain i stayed home and played skyrim like the big old nerd i am
tuesday after 12 hours of peddling phones to people i went out with my best friends to get a burger and cause some mischief it wan a great time and i felt like i was in high-school again for the first time in a very long time

Then another 12 hour day and i got my picture taken with santa who happens to rule hard followed by hangouts with more friends and a beer or two

yesterday another 12 hour shift with my bosses boss coming in to the store and giving me a raise YAHHH BUDDY Followed by going home watching the big bang theory and reading my favorite book in the world Alice in wonderland for about the millionth time
My life is rather hectic and this week of just simple fun was what i needed sometimes its good to step back and be thankful for the little things in life like a good book or something as simple as food with friends
I hope you all have a great weekend and thank you for reading about my boring life =]
My monday night was quite plain i stayed home and played skyrim like the big old nerd i am

tuesday after 12 hours of peddling phones to people i went out with my best friends to get a burger and cause some mischief it wan a great time and i felt like i was in high-school again for the first time in a very long time

Then another 12 hour day and i got my picture taken with santa who happens to rule hard followed by hangouts with more friends and a beer or two

yesterday another 12 hour shift with my bosses boss coming in to the store and giving me a raise YAHHH BUDDY Followed by going home watching the big bang theory and reading my favorite book in the world Alice in wonderland for about the millionth time
My life is rather hectic and this week of just simple fun was what i needed sometimes its good to step back and be thankful for the little things in life like a good book or something as simple as food with friends
I hope you all have a great weekend and thank you for reading about my boring life =]
Congrats on the raise!
And don't flirt with Santa too much, otherwise he might have more than presents in mind when he comes down your chimney.