Monday Nov 19, 2007 Nov 18, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email duckie! i'm not really awake enough to say anything else VIEW 20 of 20 COMMENTS twinkie: If I ever get a dog, I can't wait to make it ridiculous outfits and accessories! Nov 19, 2007 targeted: Morning. Woah, De ja vu (?), that's exactly what my stepdad said 2 1/2 hours ago when he woke me up. I added you for the video, but don't get too excited, it sucks. Do you know anywhere around here that does tattoo removal? The one on my left wrist really sucks. Nov 19, 2007
I added you for the video, but don't get too excited, it sucks.
Do you know anywhere around here that does tattoo removal? The one on my left wrist really sucks.