I'm a closet hemophiliac
sucking on nickels for a buzz
and I have my rainbow helmet on
But I won't negotiate the staircase
Which was climbed down backwards
by a little girl
Which was supported faithfully
by the stairs
With no mind whatsoever for discerning intent
the inflexible juror
bent on hi8mself and snapped
and thrown
like a skipping stone
into the river
with complete disregard for nature
just to see the novelty
of the defiance of gravity
at least temporarily
a justified ejudicated waste of time
i'll show me yours if you show you mine
you know you will find
the magnetic north pole
just beyond the county line
you may be able to see the sun
nobly running a lost-cause marathon
desperately trying to catch up with the clock
which is going to alarm and advise of the sunrise
with or without the dawn
and remind you to please rewind
and put your damn pants back on.
sucking on nickels for a buzz
and I have my rainbow helmet on
But I won't negotiate the staircase
Which was climbed down backwards
by a little girl
Which was supported faithfully
by the stairs
With no mind whatsoever for discerning intent
the inflexible juror
bent on hi8mself and snapped
and thrown
like a skipping stone
into the river
with complete disregard for nature
just to see the novelty
of the defiance of gravity
at least temporarily
a justified ejudicated waste of time
i'll show me yours if you show you mine
you know you will find
the magnetic north pole
just beyond the county line
you may be able to see the sun
nobly running a lost-cause marathon
desperately trying to catch up with the clock
which is going to alarm and advise of the sunrise
with or without the dawn
and remind you to please rewind
and put your damn pants back on.
I was addicted to that shit.
p.s. you don't need to buy more love from me. you already have it all, for free.