I got new plugs and they look like huge diamonds in my ear.

It's awesome.

that is awesome. I want to stretch mine back out but first. I'm going for a medusa piercing. I have to wait until after my dentist appointment, then it's on!

If it snow enough maybe you should come over. If you want.
happy valentines day!!

I am so not happy now.

Once I get over the break-up slump then I will be great.
I am much better off now that I told him I couldn't do it anymore.

I am better off without him.

I need a hug.

I'm on FIRE!

The stong desire to have blue hair is strongly growing and growing EVERYDAY. Used to be pink...but bright blue might be the thing for me.

i think i might have like 3/4 of a bottle if you wanted it... also, when I read that first line the second time and it made me think of UTI's.
I crave blue sometimes... but I'm terrified of permanent damage. And bleach would be gross on me.

You should do it, though. You could get away with it.
Merry Christmas !

I ate some good breakfast this morning! It was Mmmm mmmm good.
and since I worked in the greenhouse yesterday I got to take home a free wreath. One that I had eyed up since it was made! SCORE.
My mom liked her presents which made me happy.
I havent finished buying things. I didn't have money to buy things for my...
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I happened to just get by with presents this year, but my friends know I'm not a rich gal
Hmmmm I just made the dough for my bangin x-mas cookies,
i'm so EXCITED.

They will be baked tomorrow and will have neon icing. Wooo!

Why do awesome christmas cookies make me THIS happy?
i am a sad sad girl.

Maybe I should have followed the leadd of Gadget and made myself a nice PB&J sammich for this holiday season. That would have been fun...
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is ur phone on?
I heart my friends. I am excited for x-mas KINDA. and always excited for the x-mas meal and of course even MORE excited for new years eve,

I don't know what is going on EXACTLY but it will be a good time....good time for all!

im hungry and i haven't made everyone something yet...i need to hop up on the making and buying of my...
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Today started out not so great.....I accidentally set my alarm clock to PM not AM so I woke up to the sound of Mr. Hoover talking to the man who was fixing my sidewalk. Since my bed is right next to the window in the front of my house on the 3rd floor i could hear their whole conversation. It wasn't bad or anything but...
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I read the whole thing. Is Sage a baby?
I agree. We should make a plan to do something together. We should send lame emails like...

this is what I'm into...

I like the color orange, I watch gilmore girls on tuesday nights, sometimes i like to smoke the ganj and eat alot of food and pass out...

stuff like that.
There's NO heat in my house - It's been almost a week...tomorrow it will be.

My hands are frozen and hurt when I type. which means I should really get out of the house.
I need to go sign up for my old gym today, go to Elcy's try to talk to Dana, call Jeremiah of course, and maybe even get my Primex pollyanna a...
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na it was the one on rising sun ave. any luck with the heat what happened to it I might be able to help out.
OH ok just wondering I am licenced for plumbing and heating I hate to see people suffer in the winter If you need anything let me knoe more then happy to help.
I had a really good dream last night.

and I NEED to update this and actually participate.It's been busy what can I say!

Ps. It pisses me off that you have to be 21 years old to be a suicide girl in PA. Grrrrrr mad
hey, do i know you?
21 huh, thats some crazy shit, you can be in a war and buy smokes but not show your ass on the internet