Life is insane but somehow it just keeps getting better.

I moved out of beautiful but brutally cold Alaska a few months ago and in the process as you know, my account kind of went to hell. I am back and with more ambition than maybe ever. I am out in Spokane for the time being and working my ass off with two jobs but...
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Well it would seem my life is moving at light speed right now. I am set up for a tattoo appointment on the first of April. I am getting my yellow bow on my wrist in support of our troops. I am flying to Boise on the 2nd to see family after two years of living away from them. Then tentatively on the 12th I...
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Boise huh? You should see if there is a staff photographer in the area while you are down there, it might be easier to shoot a first set with a seasoned photog.
Also I totally understand where you are coming from with life throwing you a curve ball and knocking it out of the park... (cliche count so far: 5)
Best luck with the photo shoot, It would be great to have another SG girl from Anchorage. You've definitely sexy enough.