The begining is the end as the end is the begining.
Try as you might to let go of the past, but still it holds you.
Memories of her rip at my mind and claw at my heart.
Why is she always there in the back of my mind?
I wonder if she ever thinks of me.
The good times we had together, probably not.
I am probably a forgoten memory like what she had for breakfast month ago.
So why can't I do the same? Why have I been cursed to fall so deeply in love with someone who could care less now?
I guess this life my soul was sent here to learn heart ache.
Even after not talking to her for almost two years I can still say that I love that girl with all my heart.
This is the first ( thing i remember)
Now its the last( thing left on my mind)
Afraid of the dark( do you hear me wisper)
An empty heart ( replaced with paranoia)
Where do we go (life's temporary)
After we're gone(like newyears resolutions)
Why is this hard( do you recognize me)
I know I'm wrong( but I can't help beliving)
I know it's blink, but it was fitting. I hope all you kids are having fun. All I do is work and sleep. Send me some love so I can keep my head on strait.
Try as you might to let go of the past, but still it holds you.
Memories of her rip at my mind and claw at my heart.
Why is she always there in the back of my mind?
I wonder if she ever thinks of me.
The good times we had together, probably not.
I am probably a forgoten memory like what she had for breakfast month ago.
So why can't I do the same? Why have I been cursed to fall so deeply in love with someone who could care less now?
I guess this life my soul was sent here to learn heart ache.
Even after not talking to her for almost two years I can still say that I love that girl with all my heart.
This is the first ( thing i remember)
Now its the last( thing left on my mind)
Afraid of the dark( do you hear me wisper)
An empty heart ( replaced with paranoia)
Where do we go (life's temporary)
After we're gone(like newyears resolutions)
Why is this hard( do you recognize me)
I know I'm wrong( but I can't help beliving)
I know it's blink, but it was fitting. I hope all you kids are having fun. All I do is work and sleep. Send me some love so I can keep my head on strait.

you like bettie page and pauley perrette , you have an awesome taste in girls my friend, i have to watch NCIS every week to got my pauley fix.