In my works endless persuite to make my life a living hell the now are requiring us to wear name tags. It's wonderful, they put our picture, our name, and how long we've worked there. As if it isn't depresing enugh to know that I have worked in that shit hole for 4 years, know every one can know. I mean realy, who the fuck needs to know my name that I cant just tell. I work in a fucking window plant for fuck sake! It's not like I work with the public. Then to make it better the color coded them for if you are a lead, manager, or peaon like me. I swear that place gets more fascist every day. I asked my manager who upstairs had been reading 1984. (This of course was answered with a blank stare) and when we where geting our barcode tattoos so they could scan us in and out at work. Then to top it all of I am again working 58+ hrs this week, I am again tired as all fuck, and I am again training someone new. Joy oh joy. Hope you all have a good week!

what's a gir?