Wednesday Mar 02, 2005 Mar 1, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Question for today: What motivates you in the morrning? Me; coffe in my cup and Slayer in the cd player! VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS willxbtelevised: THANKS! what motivates me in the morning...threat of failure. sadly. i would like for my desire to help others to motivate me in the morning. that usually only kicks in when i am fully awake, around 2 pm or so. Mar 2, 2005 aspartame: knowing my bed will be there when i get back is what motivates me in the morning... Mar 3, 2005
what motivates me in the morning...threat of failure. sadly.
i would like for my desire to help others to motivate me in the morning. that usually only kicks in when i am fully awake, around 2 pm or so.