I try so hard in life to find what I wnat and every time I think I've found it I end up lower than when I started. The moment I feal happieness and joy I know the ax is going to fall. Why is it so hard to find anything worth while in this world? I try not to get depressed but, how else am I suposed to feel? The one true love in my life left me for no reason at all. I did every thing right and still got fucked. I dont think she even knows why she left. I just want to find someone who makes me feel loved and fuzzy inside. All I ever seem to find is fake bitches. They're too wraped up in their self-inflicted drama to even know what is going on around them. It would be nice to meet a real girl who is'nt all fucked up thinking they're to good for the rest of the world. Women say that men are all assholes. Maybe the should look at how they treat good guys and then maybe they will know why. Don't get me wrong I know full and well the reverse is true. That is why I'm still a fairly nice guy (for now), but every time I get shit on a little of that goes away. I think it's time for everyone to quit fucking around with the little games they play and GROW THE FUCK UP!

She was just done I assume.
Don't expect much from pretty girls especially. A nice, homely, demure one is your best bet if you don't want to get fucked over. hehe.