If I had all the money in the world, today I would be buying an RV, dying my hair pink and setting out on an adventure. But since I don't have all the money in the world, I'm just packing some boxes and wondering about consignment shops here in Abby.
I need a girlfriend here in Abby. Someone move here and be my BFF, k?
Added @ 2:28pm:
I was looking through Craigslist's "Best of Craigslist" and found these funnies:
1. How to Drive in Phoenix (Enjoy the last tip!)
2. Blanket Fort
3. Uncomfortable Couch
4. Turtle Booty Call
5. Passing A Shoe String
6. 143 Reasons I will be the best girlfriend you ever had
7. Free: The worst cat
The rest you have to find for yourselves ,o)
I need a girlfriend here in Abby. Someone move here and be my BFF, k?

Added @ 2:28pm:
I was looking through Craigslist's "Best of Craigslist" and found these funnies:
1. How to Drive in Phoenix (Enjoy the last tip!)
2. Blanket Fort
3. Uncomfortable Couch
4. Turtle Booty Call
5. Passing A Shoe String
6. 143 Reasons I will be the best girlfriend you ever had
7. Free: The worst cat
The rest you have to find for yourselves ,o)