word of the day may actually mean, "Marked by gross intemperance, especially in drinking" but today it's going to mean, "Marked by feeling gross, especially in the sinuses." I caught that flu that's going around from Mom. I've been through the aches and pains, and am now in the rediculously-congested stage. Last time I was congested it turned into an infection and began making my cheeks and eyes sore. Because I'm starting to feel my cheeks getting tender I'm paranoid that it'll turn into an infection. I might just pop by the walk-in clinic to get it checked out and to put my nerves at rest.
Other than being sick, I've registered a different domain name for my online shop. I thought HouseofCharnel.com sounded better. I also liked it because I learned what a charnel house is - who knew?!
In other webgeekery, I received a renewal notice for my personal domain, Mew.nu. It would cost me 60 Euros to renew it. Bloody expensive, and for what really? I've decided to use arcanesiren as my new (or I should say, upcoming) personal site. I can run it off of houseofcharnel and save some cashola. +o)
Anywho, I'm going back to bed. Smooches!
word of the day may actually mean, "Marked by gross intemperance, especially in drinking" but today it's going to mean, "Marked by feeling gross, especially in the sinuses." I caught that flu that's going around from Mom. I've been through the aches and pains, and am now in the rediculously-congested stage. Last time I was congested it turned into an infection and began making my cheeks and eyes sore. Because I'm starting to feel my cheeks getting tender I'm paranoid that it'll turn into an infection. I might just pop by the walk-in clinic to get it checked out and to put my nerves at rest.
Other than being sick, I've registered a different domain name for my online shop. I thought HouseofCharnel.com sounded better. I also liked it because I learned what a charnel house is - who knew?!
In other webgeekery, I received a renewal notice for my personal domain, Mew.nu. It would cost me 60 Euros to renew it. Bloody expensive, and for what really? I've decided to use arcanesiren as my new (or I should say, upcoming) personal site. I can run it off of houseofcharnel and save some cashola. +o)
Anywho, I'm going back to bed. Smooches!
damn. that'd at least be for a year, right?
charnel house is an awesome domain name. people may be like, "hey, she spelled chanel wrong.." and you'd be all "no I didn't. stupid-face."