YAY +o)
HOLY SHITE! I can fly first class from Bellingham for $890Cdn or from Seattle for $720Cdn. Coach from Vancouver/Abbotsford for $550. First class is only $200 more than coach?!
UPDATED (again):
I just booked my Prom flight/hotel as well as a little extra time for myself. I'll be at the Cathedral Hill Hotel from the 17th to the 23rd of May. The event is said to be 5 minutes away, plus it has a pool, high speed internet, and a hair shop which will be cool since I'm thinking of having a fun, summery up-do and we all know I'm all thumbs when it comes to hair doing.
You know, I've never had a relaxing vacation on my own. I've always booked flights and hotels because I have to do something in a certain place. Weird, huh? So yeah, I'm happy to have a few days of a 'real vacation' ,o)
Guess what I bought for Prom?
you going to san fransico for the prom i'm guessing...
i'll give you a tour of trinidad next time i head down.
really? how come?