Tuesday Oct 25, 2005 Oct 24, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Where's the smilie with the icicles hanging off its nose when you need it? I forgot to close my window and turn on my heating blanket. It's gonna be a cold one tonight! VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS proptron: How far North of Vanco are you? Is it really that cold up there? So, glad you're back! Is Heavy Trash playing up there? It's Jon Spencer's side project, they're playing here Friday night. So, how often do you check out other people's favorite pics? Unfortunately, every time I do, I end up feeling perverted. Oct 25, 2005 bettina: I just made this no-bake chocolate peanut butter pie from La Dolce Vegan, oh my god it's so good. Her cooking really is as good as she looks! Oct 26, 2005
So, glad you're back! Is Heavy Trash playing up there? It's Jon Spencer's side project, they're playing here Friday night.
So, how often do you check out other people's favorite pics? Unfortunately, every time I do, I end up feeling perverted.