So, my band had our CD release party the other night....which as things go, went alright, I suppose. However, I am eternally disappointed by our lack of least there are few out there(Jackie included!) that truly do enjoy our drunken shenanigans. But as things go, we always tend to get into a wee bit of trouble with someone before the night is out....usually it tends to be the club owners or employees....this time, was a little band called the Stud Dogs that hated the Mormons. They proceeded to load their shit onstage when it came time for our band to play...that kinda crap don't fly especially when it was OUR show, not theirs. Well, my bass player Mark got into it with the boys and after that the air was thick with tension. I almost wish their was an actual fight...I might have felt better about it in the end. I hope it didn't take away from our performance...I don't think any case, I'm just glad our CD is finally out, so that we can spread our gospel across the land.

I suck on peeps, and the little purple eye always goes first.